Friday, February 18, 2011

New Face to my Blog (again)

Okay so I started this blog like so long ago and gave it up like a year later. In 2010 I thought of blogging again so I tried again and gave up AGAIN few months later. Since Ariff has been writing in his own blog he gave me a reason to try this out again for the third time. Let's see how it goes. 

Well let's see, how has the year been so far. Okay I guess if you ask me. I mean I have not gone through the worst day of the year yet so I can still look forward to that. School is still the same in a way except for the stupid PMR's in October. The great and awesome lembaga is still being it's self. Good teachers in class(No more Pn.Tee) . So yeah it's kinda been okay this first two months.

Just today I got the letter from the school asking about having extra classes after school. Should I agree or should I not. I mean my parents are going to make me agree but in my heart should I agree to these classes or not. One side says that it will be good and helpful. Another says that it will cramp up my time even more. With tuition and things I can imagine my life being very difficult. This could also mean that I am getting lazy on the one year I should be doing the opposite.


This is the second year En.Sajoli has been in our school. I do see a lot of changes. For instance in form 2 they fixed the basketball court which needs fixing again thanks to some awesome students. One thing I must not agree with his plan to make SEMINDA all awesome and stuff is the golf course. I mean there is no need for it. The felid it's self is in horrid condition even after improving it by a tiny bit. This reminds me about football but more about that later.

Back to En.Sajoli. This year he is fixing up the "kandang" at the back of the school. I think that is a very good idea. It will be nice to not have all our "ceramah's" in the half class half hall at the ground floor of block A. That place is so hot and cramped. I am so happy my class is not situated there.

Moving on,

I don't know why but I have really got into football this past year. It must have been the world cup. I suddenly love it. Before the world cup I did not understand football and even found it a bit stupid. Now I can't wait for the next time we have our sports class so we can go out and have a blast. I think I am going to give football a post of its own later on since there is so much I want to write about it.

So I think this is all for now. Until next time.