Thursday, June 9, 2011

X-Men: First Class

  Well, I have no idea what to blog about today. I did my new car, my video games and I think I have done enough posts about what I do during the holiday. I just saw X-Men: First class so I guess I will give a review on that movie.

  Let us start with discussing the other X-men movies first. I just watched X-Men 1 for the 4th or 5th time a few months ago so I can still remember a bit about it. That movie, to me at least, was mainly based around wolverine. I must say I really love his character. In the beginning he is a bad ***, cares about his own life and really does not know what is happening around him. What do you expect from a guy who can't remember his past and can never die. As the movie goes on he changes into a person who actually has feelings. Anyways, X-men 1 was very good if you ask me.

  I can't really remember X-men 2 to be honest. People say it was very good so I will just agree with them. I do on the other hand remember X-men 3. The difference I can really notice between X-men 1 and 3 is that 3 has taken a darker side and they had more money to blow. In this movie the worried American government and its people wanted the mutants out! (in a way). The government was trying to force the mutants into becoming humans by using some medicine and all. Anyways, all I remember is that there was a big fight scene and the X-Men won. To me, X-Men 3 was good but not as good as the first.

  Now if you can all remember, a few years ago X-Men Origins: Wolverine came out. Obviously it was based around Wolverine and his sad little life. In this movie he discovers his past and well kills people, BAD people. To me it was an okay movie. I can barely remember it but it was not the worst. Others thought otherwise. Whatever it is, it could not have been that good because they did not put the word "Origins" in their new movie because they did not want to associate it with the Wolverine movie even though the new movie does tell the story of the origins of X-Men.

  Now to X-Men first class. Its about how Professor Xavier (I will call him Prof. X) and Magneto came to be. Obviously they were not called those names until the end of the movie but lets just keep things simple. The main story begins when this CIA agent (Name erased from my memory) comes across Shaw (the bad guy) without being noticed. Shaw is the guy who killed Magnetos mom so Magneto has been looking for him his whole life to do one thing, kill him. Anyways, this CIA agent sees Shaw and his team do their "magic" and reports it to the government. And what is the government doing.

  Well they are busy with the cold war. If you don't know what the cold war is, google it cause it is very interesting. The CIA being wonderful just ignores the agent until she finds Prof. X and Mystique (Prof.X step sister you could say) to prove them wrong. Now Prof X and Magneto take on a mission to find mutants throughout the planet to recruit them! In a good way. (Prof X and Magneto meet each other when Magneto tries to kill Shaw but is stopped by Prof X.) So now they are going around looking for mutants and they develop a very good relationship. So good that I felt bad that they were going to become enemies.

  I am not going to explain much about the mutants they found. All I am going to tell you is that they put them all in a secret CIA base where they were kept safe. So they thought. One day Shaw and his gang decide to have a trip to the base to bring those mutants to the bad side but not before killing like a billion guards. That was awesome. In the end only one mutant followed Shaw and one dyed trying to save them all. 

  The US government on the other hand has put nuclear warheads in Turkey. This makes the Russians worried and they plan to put their warheads in Cuba. All of this is being orchestrated by Shaw as he wants all the humans dead. Bad, bad Shaw. The Americans warned the Russians that if they come to Cuba  they will take it as an act of war against the United States of America. Who else can save they day if not the X-men!!

  Once reaching Cuba, the X-men can only look as the tentions run high between the Russians and the Americans. In the last minute the Russian government orders their ship carrying the nuclear warheads to stand down and it is received by the Russian Armada but not the one ship they want to stop, the ship carrying the nuclear warheads. This is because Shaw wanted to make sure everything followed as planed so he killed the crew and sent one of his men to guide it. 

  The X-Men have no choice but to destroy the ship. After destroying it, Magneto uses his powers to bring up a submarine under the sea in which Shaw is present. The sub was to heavy and they all crashed onto the beach. Magneto goes into the submarine, which is now on the beach, to kill Shaw. Long story cut short he killed him but in doing this he turned to the dark side. As he steps out of the submarine he has a fight with Prof X. NO!! Suddenly the Russians and Americans are working together. They find that the mutants are a threat and decide to bombard the beach with their weapons. They did not know of magnetos power. All the missiles that were shoot to the beach were turn backwards by him and directed to the fleet. Prof X had no choice but to punch him. In the end, the fleet was speared but Prof X became crippled because of the fight he had with Magneto. They both took their separate ways and the movie ended. 

  I must say, it was an awesome movie. Well written and the cast fit the characters perfectly. The only thing that I had a problem with was that the CGI looked to fake so the big action scene did not seam real. If you had to go out and watch a movie today, I will tell you this, if Super 8 is full, watch First Class. 

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