Thursday, March 11, 2010

What 2A want's for SEMINDA

     Hey, so I did a survey at my class to see what most of them wanted to be changed at the school just for fun so here it goes. ( I will not mention all )

  1. Adisakh, Amirah : Cat bangunan
  2. Afiq                     : Change the koku system ( this i  hope will happen )
  3. Ainaa N               : Cover the dataran
  4. Sharmina, Azeem: Keep the toilets maintained 
  5. Ariff, Isaac Sara Kong: Change the whole school. ( OK )
  6. Lahes, Chin         : The students and teachers.
Everyone else gave some outrageous ideas like making the school a NO UNIFORM SCHOOL. Yeah like that is ever going to happen. Well I think the school could be better but for now, it's ok. BYE.


  1. ok, since I 2A also :p I also wan suggest something to Seminda, GET RID of every single stupid evil kid in the school, repaint the buildings. get a better toilet

  2. Encik.Kamaruddin bin Md.NorMarch 27, 2010 at 10:05 AM

    Memang susah hendak membuat begitu Azlan.Kamu 2A?saya melihat dalam list nama 2A kamu tiada pon.tetapi dalam 2B kamu ada.Kalau nak buang semua budak yang teruk,nanti sekolah ini dah tiada pelajar yang hendak dibentuk lagi.betul atau tidak?
