- Fixing the basketball court.
- Building something new in front of the school
- Hopefully building a new dewan
- Revamp of the padang
- A gym
- A place to play golf
Some of this things seem good, like the new building (rumors say it might be new classes or a parking lot, not sure on that matter), repainting and repairing the basketball court and the dewan which I am not sure when construction will begin.
One rumor that has come up in my school is the reshuffle of classes. I find it good cause students who have studied hard and are in the lower class can go to a better one. I am not saying that lower class have different quality in teaching, it is just the surroundings of the class. Some people don't agree with me which I can understand because it to have it cons.
But other stuff seem, how do I say this, seem outrageous. I don't think we need a golf cource. If we needed one, we could just go to KDE. And who will maintain it, the school has enough problems with the toilet. I am not saying it is a bad idea, but there are more urgent matters then that.
The next thing is the gym. It will be nice to have one if everyone can use it and it is open at times when students are free. The thing is, I don't think the school needs it as it will cost tons of money which could go to better things for the school.
What I said above is just my opinion and I may not no the full extent of these projects. So please don't be angry about what I say because people do not have the same thought and opinion.Overall, I like how the school is being run. I know that SEMINDA has a lot in store for me and the students of Seminda itself.