Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Overview of my First Term Test

  Hello again. Today I got the results of all my subjects for my first term test which I have been posting about every now and again since I started blogging for the third time. I will assure you that there will be no more talk about this test after this post because I know it is of no importance of you. So anyways, the tests were held two weeks ago and comprised of 8 different papers. The first would be Bahasa Melayu (BM), followed by English (BI), Math (MT), Science (SC), Geography (GEO), History (SEJ), Life Skills Class (KH) and Agama (AG). 

  I will start with BM. This was one of two papers I did not fare that good in. I only got 65% which is a B in Malaysian standards. At first it was 60% (C), but after two corrections I managed to get 65%. I don't really know the reason I got such a bad mark. To tell you the truth, I really thought I could get an A for it after doing the paper. They are still a few questions that are debatable but I will let it pass since there is no use in trying to fight a dying cause. Since this was the first results I got, it really made me panic about how I would do in the rest.

  The second subject would be English. This, I did very good in. I got 100%. Even if I did very good in it, I did not feel very good because of my BM paper. I would rather give away 15 points from my English paper and add it to my BM. I bet a lot of people want to do that. Nothing much more to say about English.

  Next would be Math. I got 92 which to me is very good. I did waste one mark. This happened because instead of putting A,B,C or D as my answer for my 10th objective question, I wrote 10. Wow Zoie, that was awesome! Anyways, besides that there were only a few mistakes. I think I did very good in my maths but it still needs some polishing.

  Science. This is the second subject that I did not do so good in. I got 85%. I know it is an A but I was so much more better in my Science in the past year. You may say I am not grateful but I am just posting what I think about. What really surprised me (and my classmates) was when Ong got 99% for her Science. That is next to impossible. This mainly has to do with this one question. It asks you to draw a diagram of an artery, vein and one more thing I can't remember. It does not write label in the question. Anyways, I still labeled 'lumen' in all three diagrams. There was still one other thing I did not label. So I got the whole question wrong. It was 2 or 3 marks. I should at least get half mark for labeling 'lumen' and drawing the diagram. The thing is, how did Ong know how to label it. It baffles me.

  Next it Geography. I got 87%. This is a great improvement since last year because I only got 1A out of the four geo papers in that year. There was one main factor that caused that but I don't have the time and energy to explain that. There are 2 questions that are being debated with my teacher. She will tell us tomorrow if I get to add a few marks or if it stays the same. I am hopping to get the extra marks. 

  History. I also got 87% in this subject and I share this mark with one of my friends who also got 87% for both Geo and Sej. Thats cool I guess. Anyways, 87% is what I expected for my Sej. The questions were not that hard but did pose a challenge to me. There was only one correction for this paper but it did not effect my mark. 

  Now I am coming up to my Life Skills Class paper. I got 83% and weirdly enough I shared the highest marks with two other students. I was lucky I got away with an A. Some of my friends were even luckier. They got 80%. They better hope there are no corrections that might reduce their marks to a B. That would be terrible. 

  Finally Agama. I got 81%. This is the first A I ever got for Agama since standard 2, 6 years ago. Boy was I happy. I was lucky the teacher who ticked it was nice and corrected me and still gave me marks. I still can't believe I got an A. I was so happy when I got the results. I hope I can pull this of again in my PMR which is in 7 month. 

  Overall, I think I did very good. Even if I got a B for BM, I got A's for all that other subjects. This is the first time I got 7A's out of the 8 subjects. Before this I only managed on 5A's out of the same 8 subjects. My average result for this test was 85%, the highest I ever scored as far as I can remember.That is all I have for you. Please don't be shy to leave a comment. Bye.

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