Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Catching Up

Hi again,

  I am just going to continue from my last post on Thursday. What happened since then and stuff. Friday was like any other Friday. Was so worried I would not be able to play football because they had this anti mosquito campaign. In the end all they did was do a fairly good performance and sprayed mosquito spray on all the teachers. Why? I asked the same question. Anyways it was over in 15 minutes and I was able to play football. 

  Had Saturday school. Did not do much. Half the teachers came in but we only studied very little. Only 22 out of 42 students came in my class. When I got home I had to do tons of studying. Sunday was good I guess. Went to look at new cars with my family. 

  Checked out Honda and Peugeot. Took a ride in the CR-V and the Peugeot 3008. I must say the 3008 beats the CR-V in all ways. To start with it has a TURBO engine. It comes standard with leather seats and the compartment between the driver and passenger seat is like a mini fridge. COOL! The roof of the car is also all glass. It has so many other cool features but my dad says he thinks Peugeot is not reliable. WHAT!! It won best car of the year in some european car magazine. He gave an excuse that there was no good word about that car from the States. Anyways it is his money, but I do think the CR-V is to simple if you compare it with the 3008.

One of these days we are going to try out the new Accord face-lift. My mum is not real found of getting another accord because it is to long and she finds it difficult to park it in the small parking lots in AP and stuff. I will agree with her as long as it brings my father closer to buying the 3008. I am just going to have to see. 

There was a spot-check on Monday morning. As a prefect I had to help all the teachers in checking all the students. I don't understand why you can't bring liquid paper to school. Anyways I helped and found nothing. (I can't say anything more about what I found or did not find as this post might be read by teachers of my school, but really I did not find anything) The funny things was that the teachers did not bother to check the prefects. If they checked us I think a lot of the prefects would be in big trouble. 

Just today I had my KH test. It was okay. The first 30 questions were easier then the last 30. I have a positive feeling that I can score an A on that subject. Went for a jog all around Taman Tar. It was the furthest I ever ran. (6.1 km) Thats is all for now. Please don't be shy to leave comments.